Museums & Art Galleries in Shizuoka Prefecture

Japanese Art: Symbiosis: Dissolving My Self Like a Mushroom Exhibition by Hajime Imamura at the Shizuoka City Museum of Art (Until October 27th)


The Shizuoka City Musuem of Art which has been in existence for about 5 years under the auspices of the Shizuoka City Government began some time ago to use their vast lobby room as a free exhibition space for the pleasure of all comers. Since you can also enjoy the same space for shopping and lounging in a cafe it makes for a perfect venue on a rainy day or on a sweltering summer day!
This is the 3rd exhibition of the kind which will last until October 17th.


Hajime Imamura/今村源さん was born in Osaka City in 1957 and presently works in Kyoto City in the Kansai region where he has acquired fame and recognition.
He started to actively exhibit in 2006 and is supported by Shiseido Company as well as Gallery Nomart in Osaka City.
His art is resolutely modern and tends to blend in everyday apparels with nature (at least recently!)


This particular exhibition is titled: Dissolving My Self Like a Mushroom. For those who can read Japanese they will find a pun in the same title: “わた死としてのキノコ”!
And you will find mushrooms everywhere! But the concept is more about hidden life represented by long aluminum “threads” depicting the underground mycelium filaments whose life and role will appear in the shape of so-called mushrooms we see popping out all year round in their natural environment!


Served directly on a dining table? (2003)


It will actually oscillate if you blow on it!


Mycelium and a mushroom reflected on a mirror…… (2013)


Actually it might be a goof idea to browse (or buy) all kinds of books on mushrooms and mushroom design at the Museum shop!


Can you see the mushrooms inside the hollow head?
“Inside Mushrooms” (2010)


Now, it is wide open to interpretation!


Mycelium in shape of a human blody! (2010)


Have you ever realized that our bodies are full of it? Actually would not be possible on earth without it!


Other works of Hajime Imamura are also featured, some with mycelium like this sofa, some without it.


Upside down life?


A squashed flat chair?


“Fridge and kettle” (2003)


Yes, this is a mobile!

And another one!


Where do those stairs lead to? (199)


To a slide of course (1998)!

incidentally the artist and a mycology (science of mycelium and mushrooms) will be hold a talk (free entrance) inside the lobby conference space (50 seats) on mushrooms and art on September 21st ((Saturday) from 14:00 to 16:00!


420-0852 Shizuoka Cuty, Aoi Ku, Koya Machi, 17-1, Aoi Tower. 3F (across from shizuoka JR Station North Exit)
Tel.: 054-273-1515
Opening hours: 10:00~19:00 (Shop & Cafe included)
Public Exhibition Space free. Designated exhibitions fee varying.
Closed on Mondays (or on Tuesdays if Monday is a national Holidays. Also closed on friday September 13th)
HOMEPAGE (English only for the moment)

Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments!

A huge standing drum from the South Pacific!

There is a lot of good food and drinks in Hamamatsu City, but there is also a lot of exceptional music!
With Kawai, Yamaha and Rolland all established in that city, more than half of all music instruments in Japan are made there!
It was no wonder that the City decided to open a Meuseum when it erected Act City and other buildings within walking distance of the Railway Station 15 years ago!

My favorite Japanese instrument, the biwa!

The City then proceeeded to amass a mind-bogling collection of more 1200 pieces on constant display out of more than 3000 in their vaults!
The collection truly covers the whole World and the entrance fee of 400 yen (for adults) is truly ridiculous!
Next time you travel or go out in Hamamatsu City take some time to immerse yourself in the biggest public musical instruments in the world!
The more for it when you realize that photography is allowed!

Here is a tiny selection of pictures I took the other day to which I intend to add regularly!

Quaint samisen!

One-string koto!

Hand-painted 19th Century US banjo!

Musical Sea shells!

A piano for the Sun King?

Or a piano for his favorite?

Historical routes of the mandoline!

Bagpipes from the Scots!

For a Carribean steel band!

They even have a collection of postage stamps on African Music Instruments on display!

Harps for the Celts!

Serpents/snakes from Europe!

Glasses are not always for drinking!
A full crystal glass musical instrument!

Some wind instruments are equipped with truly impressive mouths!

A somewhat frightening steel tongue plank from Africa!

impressive drums from the South Pacific!

Tam tams or boast?

A South East Asian triple xylophone decorated with carved silhouettes!

These feathers will certainly mark out the musician in a band!

I wonder if this peacock contributed its feathers to the precedent instrument?

Yamaha electric guitars from the early 60’s! True antiques for rockn’ rollers!

Make sure to visit the experimental room to try tyour own hand at music!

Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments/浜松市楽器博物館
430-7790 Hamamatsu City, Chuo Ku, Chuo, 3-9-1
Tel.: 053-451-1128
Fax: 053-451-1129
Opening hours: 09:30~17:30
Closed on Mondays, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays. Open all throughout August.

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