Railway Stations in Shizuoka Prefecture

Shizuoka Local Products at Shuzenji Station, Izu Peninsula

The only real Wasabi Shochu in the whole world by Bandai Brewery in Shuzenji!

If you wish to visit the Izu Peninsula, especially away from the beaten tracks, Shuzenji Station should be your starting point!
Wherever you come from in Japan or Shizuoka Prefecture, first go Mishima City and change trains from the JR Railway Line to the Private Izu Hakone Senzu Line which will take you all the way to Shizenji, its final destination.
Shuzenji is a, if not the, major hubub in Izu Peninsula whose hot springs have been famed for unknown centuries.

Shuzenji Hot Springs sign in front of the station.

But when it comes to discover and buy local products for really original gifts and souvenirs, Shuzenji Station is the best place as it provides for all in small enough space to enjoy browsing!
Let me take you on a quick tour!

Shuzenji Station seen from the outside.

What’s that small food booth by the entrance?

Local ekiben/railway bentos, 7 of them! A must for your meal on your way back!

There are two entries to the shop. Pick yours!

But you are already hungry?
No problem, there is a hot food stand inside the souvenir shop!
Once you feel revived, we can start shopping!

Izu Peninsula is by definition is surrounded by the sea. Now, how about some nori/dry seaweed seasoned with wasabi? Incidentally, Shizuoka Prefecture produces no less than 80% of the whole Japanese wasabi crop!

The shop is full of artifacts to remind you this is wasabi land! (actually the second land in Shizuoka Prefecture, as wasabi was first grown in Utougi/有東木 in Shizuoka City!)

When it comes to wasabi related processed products, it is just an embarrassment of choices!

Now, something for the vegans and vegetarians, Kuromai Daifuku/Black Rice Buns/黒米大福, Soba Daifuku/そば大福, Mame daifuku/Soy Beans Buns/豆大福 and more!

Jam Sticks made with fruit cultivated in Izu Peninsula whose fruit is another major product!

For vegans and vegetarians again: Kuromai Udon/黒米うどん/Black Rice Udon, and Shizenjyou Soba/自然薯/Wild Yam Soba!

More wasabi-related processed products!

Japanese sake line-up (of the more reasonable prices) from Bandai Brewery, the only sake brewery in Shuzenji and Izu peninsula!

Forget the bottle on the left… the bottles in the center are shochu from local rice by Fujinishiki Brewery (located nesr Mount Fuji), a white loquat wine bottle by Bandai Brewery and some fiey shochu by the same!

The only real Wasabi Shochu in the whole world by Bandai Brewery in Shuzenji!

Real wines by the Naka Izu Winery, the only wine-producing compabny in Shizuoka Prefecture!

Again, more wasabi-related processed products!

This is only a small round-up, and I’m sure you will find more to your liking!

Shizuoka Products at Hamamatsu City Railway Station

As a general rule it is always a good idea to check inside major railway stations in Japan for local food and products.
And since Shizuoka Prefecture has no less than 6 (the record in Japan) major shinkansen/bullet train station, you ought to spend some time looking around before boarding your train!

This time I will take you around Hamamatsu Railway Station, or JR Station as they call such a building in Japan!

It is quite easy as most shops are concentrated inside the “May One Ekimachi” Store!

Right at the entrance you will discover the biscuit of the area: unagi pie/eel pie! There is no eel in this sweet biscuit. It’s only the color which is reminiscent of the famous fish bred and caught in the Hamamatsu City area!

Have a good look at the ekiben/railway bento before boarding your train. Ekiben are always the best indication of what people eat in the same region!

Here are the real unagi/鰻/eels prepared in various fashions!

Processed products of wasabi. Shizuoka Prefecture grows 80% of the total national crop!

More wasabi processed products including salt, mayonnaise and dressing!

Real fresh wasabi!

Sakes brewed by Hana no Mai Brewery, one of the two breweries in Hamamatsu City!

Tea and orange roll cakes!

Another specialty of Hamamatsu City: simmered eel livers!

More ekiben/railway station bento!

Green tea rusks (hard biscuits!)

A closer look at unagi pie!

Uogashi Sushi Company (from Yaizu City!) has big restaurant inside where you will be able to get all kinds of meals including purely local sushi!

Great plastic models for collectors and fans!

And more!

Another specialty of Hamamatsu City: gyoza dumplings always served with beansprouts!

Oden! More a specialty of Shizuoka City, although all big cities and areas in the Prefecture have their own!

A great health food from Lake (salted) Hamana: seaweed!

Orange cakes and jellies!

Now, what will be the next of the 6 stations I will introduce! LOL

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