Tag Archives: Yui

Mount Fuji Great View at Satta Pass in Yui, Shimizu Ku, Shizuoka City!

Shizuoka Prefecture is the home of Mount Fuji (rightly argued by Yamanashi Prefecture!), that the “seaside Mount Fuji”. Naturally anyone living in another Prefecture who is able to see it in the distance will argue, but geographically half of it lies inside Shizuoka Prefecture. Full stop!

This is why so many foreign and domestic visitors are disappointed when they cannot admire the view because no one took the pains to explain why when they left Tokyo hoping for a grand spectacle.
Mount Fuji towers almost at 4000 meters and it is no wonder that it can be hidden by clouds, mist or rain. In case of a typhoon stay in Tokyo!

What is the best season, then? The coldest and the driest, the better, which means that the best time is between end of October and end of March. If you are lucky you can enjoy the view on rare days until May. After that you do need a lot of luck!
What is the best location to admire Mount Fuji, then?
Too many to choose from actually, so it needs a little study beforehand.
But all agree that one of the spots is the Satta Pass in Yui, Shimizu Ku, Shizuoka City!

The Satta Pass until the very end of the Edo Period was a must travelers along the Old Tokaido Route. Actually one can see how it was on one of the woodblock prints of Hiroshige Utagawa exhibited at the Hiroshige Museum in Yui, another must visit spot!
As for going there in this modern era of ours, lazy people can always reach the place by car or taxi, but on a fine day healthy tourists should walk all the way from Yui JR Station, up slopes where they will discover orange trees and meet the local farmers!

Google Map (including instructions for a nice trip!)


So Good Sushi Restaurant in Nice France
Navigating Nagoya by Paige, Shop with Intent by Debbie, BULA KANA in Fiji, Kraemer’s Culinary blog by Frank Kraemer in New York,Tokyo Food File by Robbie Swinnerton, Green Tea Club by Satoshi Nihonyanagi in Shizuoka!, Mind Some by Tina in Taiwan, Le Manger by Camille Oger (French), The Indian Tourist, Masala Herb by Helene Dsouza in Goa, India, Mummy I Can Cook! by Shu Han in London, Pie
, Francescannotwrite, My White Kitchen, Foodhoe, Chucks Eats, Things that Fizz & Stuff, Five Euro Food by Charles,Red Shallot Kitchen by Priscilla,With a Glass, Nami | Just One Cookbook, Peach Farm Studio, Clumsyfingers by Xethia, PepperBento, Hapabento, Kitchen Cow, Lunch In A Box, Susan at Arkonlite, Vegan Lunch Box; Tokyo Tom Baker, Daily Food Porn/Osaka, Only Nature Food Porn, Happy Little Bento, J-Mama’s Kitchen, Cook, Eat, Play, Repeat, Bento Lunch Blog (German), Adventures In Bento, Anna The Red’s Bento Factory, Ohayo Bento,

Must-see tasting websites:

-Sake: Ichi For The Michi by Rebekah Wilson-Lye in Tokyo, Tokyo Through The Drinking Glass, Tokyo Foodcast, Urban Sake, Sake World
-Wine: Palate To Pen, Warren Bobrow, Cellar Tours, Ancient Fire Wines Blog
-Beer: Another Pint, Please!, Beering In Good Mind: All about Craft Beer in Kansai by Nevitt Reagan!
ABRACADABREW, Magical Craftbeer from Japan
-Whisky: Nonjatta: All about whisky in Japan by Stefan Van Eycken
-Japanese Pottery to enjoy your favourite drinks: Yellin Yakimono Gallery

Non gastronomy must-see sites by Shizuoka Residents

Japanese Festival: O Taiko Festival at Toyotsumi Shrine in Yui, Shizuoka City!


Yesterday I spent the whole day in Yui to have a look at the Toyotsumi Shrine and the O Taiko/Japanese Drums Festival in Yui, Shimizu Ku, Shizuoka City!
Although it is a small, if not tiny festival, it is nonetheless important as it might be the oldest living Festival in Shizuoka Prefecture since it has been held since 977!


For all its small size the district (formerly a city of its own!) is still very proud of it!


Most participants these days belong to families tied with Yui fishing harbor and the sakura ebi/cherry shrimps and shirasu/sardine whiting trading!


Such families hang a paper lantern ourside their homes as the festival is held until late at night!
Unfortunately I had to back to to Shizuoka City by 6 p.m.
Next year I certainly plan to attend the last part of the festival held between midnight and half past midnight even if it means I have to sleep in the station until the first train in the morning!


The entrance to the Toyotsumi Shrine!


Big Drum Festival!

Thanks to the pictures you can’t miss it!


The “torii/鳥居/Shrine sacred bird gate (you will not find them at temples)!


Note the stone lanterns!


Old style stone plaque with the name of the shrines!


A monument marking the 1200th Anniversary of the Festival erected quite a few years ago!


I arrived there at 12:00, still 2 hours before the kids’ procession, which gave ample time to talk with the locals!


This kid actually volunteered for the picture!


The well of the shrine!


For the history buffs!
This shrine was erected by a local nobleman to thank the gods for a battle victory in 971 and the first festival was held in 977!


The shrine main building!


The “mon/文” of the shrine!


This mon representing a fan was the mon of the nobleman who erected this shrine!


The main drum used for the festival!


Japanese sake is an important feature at shrines at is originally meant “Food of the Gods”!
This particular sake “Shosetsu/正雪” is produced by Kanzawagawa Brewery in Yui!


More information for the history buffs!


The fountain you will find in any shrine to wash your hands before praying for good fortune!


One of the two lion guards!


Some of the trees there are truly enormous and ancient! I wonder how many generations they have witnessed passing by!
I truly wish some of them could talk!


After the visit to the shrine I had lunch with a friend to sample the local sakura ebi kakiage.
When I came back the kids procession had already started under tight supervision as the main road is narrow and cars are a certain risk!


The kids certainly didn’t mind being hemmed in!


Cute little girls!


Adults taking part in the second procession were giving a hand!


The kids said hello to me in English! One of them even said, “this is Japanese samba!”!


Kids took turns to lustily hit the drum!


A volunteer warden!


While the kids were holding thier procession the adults had a drink or two inside the shrine!


The kids finally arriving back at the shrine after a two-hour procession!


These two young adults carried the drum for them all the time!


Some kids were still willing to hit the drum!


A fire was waiting for those sensitive to the cold!


At around 4:30 the participants got ready for the adults evening procession!


Some practice for the photographers!


The evening procession finally taking off!


The procession moving on to the encouraging chants of the older participants!


A great way to keep yourselves warm!


Coming out of the shrine street!
The procession turned into the street to greet the houses of the participatat and sponsors!


Taking turns at the drum!


Food and drinks being prepare at the abode of one of the sponsors!


Waiting for the procession!


Japanese soul food!



Great concept for a party!

See at midnight same day next year!

Toyotsumi Shrine/豊積神社

The exact address is 静岡県静岡市清水区由比町町屋原185/Shizuoka Prefecture, Shimizu Ku, Yui Machi, Machiharaya, 185.
Get down at Yui JR Station and walk down the road on your right hand side. Walk past the harbor, turn left after Ando Dental Clinic and walk up all the way.

Held from January 1st at noon to the 3rd at 00:30 a.m.!


So Good Sushi Restaurant in Nice France
Navigating Nagoya by Paige, Shop with Intent by Debbie, BULA KANA in Fiji, Kraemer’s Culinary blog by Frank Kraemer in New York,Tokyo Food File by Robbie Swinnerton, Green Tea Club by Satoshi Nihonyanagi in Shizuoka!, Mind Some by Tina in Taiwan, Le Manger by Camille Oger (French), The Indian Tourist, Masala Herb by Helene Dsouza in Goa, India, Mummy I Can Cook! by Shu Han in London, Pierre.Cuisine, Francescannotwrite, My White Kitchen, Foodhoe, Chucks Eats, Things that Fizz & Stuff, Five Euro Food by Charles,Red Shallot Kitchen by Priscilla,With a Glass, Nami | Just One Cookbook, Peach Farm Studio, Clumsyfingers by Xethia, PepperBento, Hapabento, Kitchen Cow, Lunch In A Box, Susan at Arkonlite, Vegan Lunch Box; Tokyo Tom Baker, Daily Food Porn/Osaka, Only Nature Food Porn, Happy Little Bento, J-Mama’s Kitchen, Cook, Eat, Play, Repeat, Bento Lunch Blog (German), Adventures In Bento, Anna The Red’s Bento Factory, Ohayo Bento,

Must-see tasting websites:

-Sake: Ichi For The Michi by Rebekah Wilson-Lye in Tokyo, Tokyo Through The Drinking Glass, Tokyo Foodcast, Urban Sake, Sake World
-Wine: Palate To Pen, Warren Bobrow, Cellar Tours, Ancient Fire Wines Blog
-Beer: Another Pint, Please!, Beering In Good Mind: All about Craft Beer in Kansai by Nevitt Reagan!
ABRACADABREW, Magical Craftbeer from Japan
-Whisky: Nonjatta: All about whisky in Japan by Stefan Van Eycken
-Japanese Pottery to enjoy your favourite drinks: Yellin Yakimono Gallery

Non gastronomy must-see sites by Shizuoka Residents

Koike Village Chief House in Yui!


Because Shizuoka City and Prefecture were more an area of intense travelling than Kyoto or Tokyo where people gathered and built according to the size of their population (and money), it seems that our region lacks in historical and cultural assets.
Actually, until Tokugawa Ieyasu made his retreat at the beginning of the 17th Century in Sumpu (Shizuoka City) travelers had still to stay there overnight and eat and drink. Accordingly, many old houses and lodgings can still be discovered along the Old Tokaido Route.
Tourists should not overlook them as their smaller size, easier access and cheap/free entrances provide them with a rare glimpse of life of past times. Sometimes such sightseeing off the beaten tracks is more rewarding than grandiose but crowded monuments!
One house worthy of a visit lies along the Old Tokaido Route in Yui, Shimizu Ku, Shizuoka City, only a few minutes away on foot from Yui JR Station: Koike Village House which was incidentally registered as a National Important Cultural Asset in October 1998.


The entrance!


Note the “namako/seaslug wall”!


Time to study Japanese! Don’t worry most of what is written on the board is mentioned in this article! LOL


The entrance and the noren/暖簾/entrance curtain!
Such a village house would also serve as a registar house in Edo Times hence another historical source of importance!


A small room has been refurbished into a small museum you will get into through another noren!


Take time to look at old pictures of Yui Village!


Through the bay window of the small museum you will discover a tiny but adorable Japanese garden!


Important documents are still preserved there!


Life articles of a time past!


The modest size of the very well preserved living quarters will give you a chance for great photogtraphy of a true Japanese abode of yore.


You actually may walk inside if you take your shoes off! That will permit you to not only take great photographs but experience a real feel under the soles of your feet!


Contrary to the interminable lodgings of ancient nobles, it has the merit to introduce you to a real size living house!


If you are am antique buff you will be surprised to find this very heavy antique shave ice machine worth a fortune at auctions!


Take all your time to admire the small exquisite garden full of surprises!


I have never seen that lantern-supporting sumo wrestler anywhere before!


Every season will offer you a different glimpse!


Very unusual moss!


An ancient well!


Having a second look before departing…


Mobile partition!

Old hanging scroll!

I would advise you to take a good camera along as the place is dark inside, but you must have also a look at the raftings, the ceiling and theattic!


421-3112 Shizuoka Prefecture, Shizuoka City, Shimizu Ku, Yui, Terao, 464-9 (10 minutes on foot from Yui JR Station. Proceed left of the Station exit!)
Tel.: 054-376-0611
Opening hours: 09:30~16:30 (March~October), 09:30~16:00 (November~February)
Closed on Mondays and National Holidays (except if happening on week-ends), December 26th~January 5th
Entrance: free
Parking for 6 cars


So Good Sushi Restaurant in Nice France
Navigating Nagoya by Paige, Shop with Intent by Debbie, BULA KANA in Fiji, Kraemer’s Culinary blog by Frank Kraemer in New York,Tokyo Food File by Robbie Swinnerton, Green Tea Club by Satoshi Nihonyanagi in Shizuoka!, Mind Some by Tina in Taiwan, Le Manger by Camille Oger (French), The Indian Tourist, Masala Herb by Helene Dsouza in Goa, India, Mummy I Can Cook! by Shu Han in London, Pierre.Cuisine, Francescannotwrite, My White Kitchen, Foodhoe, Chucks Eats, Things that Fizz & Stuff, Five Euro Food by Charles,Red Shallot Kitchen by Priscilla,With a Glass, Nami | Just One Cookbook, Peach Farm Studio, Clumsyfingers by Xethia, PepperBento, Hapabento, Kitchen Cow, Lunch In A Box, Susan at Arkonlite, Vegan Lunch Box; Tokyo Tom Baker, Daily Food Porn/Osaka, Only Nature Food Porn, Happy Little Bento, J-Mama’s Kitchen, Cook, Eat, Play, Repeat, Bento Lunch Blog (German), Adventures In Bento, Anna The Red’s Bento Factory, Ohayo Bento,

Must-see tasting websites:

-Sake: Ichi For The Michi by Rebekah Wilson-Lye in Tokyo, Tokyo Through The Drinking Glass, Tokyo Foodcast, Urban Sake, Sake World
-Wine: Palate To Pen, Warren Bobrow, Cellar Tours, Ancient Fire Wines Blog
-Beer: Another Pint, Please!, Beering In Good Mind: All about Craft Beer in Kansai by Nevitt Reagan!
ABRACADABREW, Magical Craftbeer from Japan
-Whisky: Nonjatta: All about whisky in Japan by Stefan Van Eycken
-Japanese Pottery to enjoy your favourite drinks: Yellin Yakimono Gallery

Non gastronomy must-see sites by Shizuoka Residents

HIGHOCTANE/HAIOKU by Nick Itoh in Shizuoka City

O Taiko Festival at Toyosumi Shrine in Yui, Shizuoka City on the New Year!


On the new Year there are indeed quite a few unusual festivals happening, and Shizuoka is no exception!
I found this sign, among others,yesterday as I was strolling along the Old Kitakaido in Yui, Shimizu Ku, Shizuoka City and decided to investigate a little as I am really interested in attending it!


This is a very old festival indeed as it took place for the first time in 797!


It is one of the two major festivals in Yui with the Sakura Ebi Festival in May!
Yui had been a city of its own and one of the famous stations along the Old Tokaido Route as painted by Hiroshige until only a few years ago when it was merged into Shimizu Ku, Shizuoka City


It has been held all the time at Toyosumi Shrine/豊積神社, a very old shrine built in 791!


The exact address is 静岡県静岡市清水区由比町町屋原185/Shizuoka Prefecture, Shimizu Ku, Yui Machi, Machiharaya, 185.
Get down at Yui JR Station and walk down the road on your right hand side. Walk past the harbor, turn left after Ando Dental Clinic and walk up all the way.

Held from January 1st at noon to the 3rd at 00:30 a.m.!


So Good Sushi Restaurant in Nice France
Navigating Nagoya by Paige, Shop with Intent by Debbie, BULA KANA in Fiji, Kraemer’s Culinary blog by Frank Kraemer in New York,Tokyo Food File by Robbie Swinnerton, Green Tea Club by Satoshi Nihonyanagi in Shizuoka!, Mind Some by Tina in Taiwan, Le Manger by Camille Oger (French), The Indian Tourist, Masala Herb by Helene Dsouza in Goa, India, Mummy I Can Cook! by Shu Han in London, Pierre.Cuisine, Francescannotwrite, My White Kitchen, Foodhoe, Chucks Eats, Things that Fizz & Stuff, Five Euro Food by Charles,Red Shallot Kitchen by Priscilla,With a Glass, Nami | Just One Cookbook, Peach Farm Studio, Clumsyfingers by Xethia, PepperBento, Hapabento, Kitchen Cow, Lunch In A Box, Susan at Arkonlite, Vegan Lunch Box; Tokyo Tom Baker, Daily Food Porn/Osaka, Only Nature Food Porn, Happy Little Bento, J-Mama’s Kitchen, Cook, Eat, Play, Repeat, Bento Lunch Blog (German), Adventures In Bento, Anna The Red’s Bento Factory, Ohayo Bento,

Must-see tasting websites:

-Sake: Ichi For The Michi by Rebekah Wilson-Lye in Tokyo, Tokyo Through The Drinking Glass, Tokyo Foodcast, Urban Sake, Sake World
-Wine: Palate To Pen, Warren Bobrow, Cellar Tours, Ancient Fire Wines Blog
-Beer: Another Pint, Please!, Beering In Good Mind: All about Craft Beer in Kansai by Nevitt Reagan!
ABRACADABREW, Magical Craftbeer from Japan
-Whisky: Nonjatta: All about whisky in Japan by Stefan Van Eycken
-Japanese Pottery to enjoy your favourite drinks: Yellin Yakimono Gallery

Non gastronomy must-see sites by Shizuoka Residents